In a typical dental practice, receiving dental crowns is a long and often uncomfortable process that can take several weeks to complete. Although technology has made extreme advancements to both the restorative and cosmetic aspects of receiving crowns, we believe that we can do better than the typical dental practice.
In our office, we use CEREC technology, which empowers us to scan, design and create beautiful restorations right in the office. Imagine coming into our dental office to receive a crown and walking out the same day with a strong, durable and cosmetically beautiful crown already in place. There is no need to make two, three or four visits to our practice to receive a crown. Now you can receive a crown in just one visit.
In the process, your teeth will be digitally scanned, and the information and data of the scan will be sent to an in-office milling machine that will create your crown in an extremely short period of time (as opposed to sending a mold to a laboratory and waiting for the technicians to fit your crown into their schedule).
If you want to learn more about CEREC same-day crowns in Millville, New Jersey, or you would like to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Jon Paul Jacquet, please feel free to give Jacquet Family Dental a call at 856-825-4259. We are always ready to answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment.